Why does the Bevis trust exist?

Over a number of years The Bevis Trust founder, Dr Nick Fox, has been involved in many conservation projects both oversaes and at home. In that time he has brought real, tangible results to fruition. Coupling his conservation and wildlife experience with his first-hand knowledge of farming in South West Wales it was an obvious step to try and help these two potential antagonists to reach an accord.
To the right you will see The Bevis Trust stated aims and objectives. What it boils down to in reality is to help make the world a better, healthier place for both wildlife and people.
As a not for profit Company, our objects are:
(a) to promote the conservation, protection and improvement of the physical and natural environment and the promotion of biological diversity including by providing land on which areas of natural habitats shall be preserved and managed.
(b) to promote the conservation, protection and improvement of wildlife and their natural habitats, including by the reintroduction of indigenous species to areas of land referred to in object (a)
(c) to advance the education of the public in the conservation, protection and improvement of the physical and natural environment and the maximization of biological diversity and the conservation and protection of wildlife including in harmony with modern farming methods; and the fostering of public interest in the understanding of the same.