Storm Callum
By The Bevis Trust
In Conservation, Countryside, Farming and Wildlife |
October 16, 2018
Callum certainly made his presence known over the weekend with many branches and trees down locally. At Ricketts Mill water was the issue. The rivers came up with alarming speed and flooded much of the area around the lakes. This of course put pressure on the fences but Neil and his team had built them…
Spring Update
By The Bevis Trust
In Animal Welfare, Conservation, Countryside, Farming and Wildlife |
May 8, 2018
It has been manic on the farm for weeks. The tree planting was completed in time, with 18,000 mixed hardwoods gone in. We cut a new track across this north bank and while it is raw is a good time to get new plants established. So we have transplanted bluebells, primroses and snowdrops from other…
Tree Planting
By The Bevis Trust
In Conservation, Countryside |
February 6, 2018
We are currently plating about 16 acres of deciduous woodland as part of the carbon woodland creation scheme. We were very keen for the woodland to be planted in a random pattern rather than in lines or waves. Random planting makes it much harder for the planters to achieve the correct stocking rate but the…
Great Oaks From Little Acorns Grow.
By The Bevis Trust
In Countryside, Farming and Wildlife, Native Species, Uncategorized |
October 31, 2017
It’s been a good mast year for acorns and we’ve collected plenty. We are planting up about 7 hectares (17.3ac) of the steep north facing banks. Bracken is rapidly taking over on these banks and with Azulox being phased out, it is almost impossible to control it. The banks are too steep for a tractor…
By The Bevis Trust
In Conservation, Countryside, Farming and Wildlife, Native Species, Rewilding, Uncategorized |
September 15, 2017
We were asked by the Caldey Island Estate some time ago if we could help them achieve a long held ambition for free living red squirrels on the island. It’s been a long haul and the first job was to eradicate the rats. Quotes were gathered and funding sought and 18 months ago West Wales Pest…
By The Bevis Trust
In Beavers, Countryside, Uncategorized |
July 11, 2017
My dog woke me at inordinately early this morning. I sleepily let her out and couldn’t help but notice the full moon lighting the yard, and the rush of cool, sweet air meeting my face as the door opened. I went back to bed and relished the warm wrap of my duvet. Sisal’s bark disappeared…
By The Bevis Trust
In Animal Welfare, Beavers, Countryside, Farming and Wildlife, Native Species, Rewilding, Uncategorized, Wetlands |
July 10, 2017
Nick has done a guest post on our friend Jim Barrington’s blog: https://jamesbarrington.wordpress.com/
A Visitors View
By The Bevis Trust
In Beavers, Countryside, Farming and Wildlife, Native Species, Rewilding, Uncategorized, Wetlands |
July 5, 2017
One of our lovely beaver watching guests has written about her experience on her blog. You can read it here: http://www.absolutenature.co.uk/watching-beavers-in-wales/
Sitting Tenants
By The Bevis Trust
In Beavers, Countryside, Farming and Wildlife, Native Species, Rewilding, Uncategorized, Wetlands |
July 4, 2017
The young swallows have left the nest in the beaver hide and are sitting on the beams, plucking up courage for that first sally into the air. We were a bit worried that they wouldn’t manage to get any youngsters off this year.
Beaver Study Days
By The Bevis Trust
In Beavers, Countryside, Farming and Wildlife, Native Species, Rewilding, Uncategorized, Wetlands |
June 30, 2017
We’ve had two beaver study days this week hosted by the Bevis Trust and Alicia Leow-Dyke from Wildlife Trusts Wales. On Tuesday we had 11 staff from Natural Resources Wales, two from Welsh Government and ten from local councils. On Wednesday we had 20 representatives from a variety of NGOs and Universities. It was a…